Call Handling

Keyword: calls
There are two types of calls. There are incoming calls (when I receive a call), and outgoing calls (when I make a call). Both types of calls will be addressed here. Some people might find some aspect of calling me a little confusing since I have multiple telephone numbers. This page is intended to help resolve such confusion. The call handling is actually simple.

My [international] numbers will ring my home phone. This means if I am not home, I will obviously not be able to answer the phone. In which case, you would want to leave a message. All of my [international] numbers have the same voicemail service, and line. My [cellular] number rings my cellular phone obviously, and likely the number I will call from.

Incoming Calls

No matter which line is called, I will either answer the call, or send it to voicemail. If the caller is unknown, or a business – I will answer with “Frank Pilone speaking“. This is intended to help you know immediately whom you are talking to. The phone numbers are exclusively mine. If the caller ID shows a person I know, I will answer with “Yes person calling?“. This is to not waste people’s time. I assume that most people have things to do, and it would seem silly to act like I don’t know who’s calling.

In the event that I don’t answer the phone for whatever the reason, you would go to voicemail. At which point, you would hear “You’ve reached Frank Pilone, leave a message“. Again, this is to be simple, and direct to the point. As for voicemail service, there is one box for my [international], and [voicemail] lines. There is also a voicemail box for my [cellular] line. This is to assume that the caller has more important things to do then listen to a long winded voicemail announcement. With that said, the person can choose to leave a message. They should give their name, telephone number, and why they are calling. Unless unaffordable, I will return the call. From the hours of 9:30PM – 6AM, I will not answer any unknown callers.

Outgoing Calls

When making outgoing calls, I will almost always use my [cellular] number. This in turn will allow you to see whose calling especially if you have downloaded my VCard.